
Coronavirus Spread from Wuhan Lab in china, Donald Trump Claims : He has Solid Evidence

New Delhi: America has once again attacked China over the Corona crisis. US President Donald Trump has once again taken on the World Health Organization in the guise of China. A journalist was asked by Trump whether he thought the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China had any connection with the corona virus. To this, Trump said that yes he thinks so and he has some evidence to think so. Explain that many claims are being made about Corona and every claim has its own theory.

The corona virus originated during a research in a lab in China and the research that was going on there was funded by America. The US had funded Rs 28 crore for this research. This has been claimed in international media reports. According to the report, the Wuhan Institute of Virology of China, which was under suspicion since the Corona virus, was doing research on bats. For this, bats were brought to Wuhan from Yunnan province, about one and a half thousand kilometers away from Wuhan. These bats were captured from caves.

According to the report, research on bats at the Wuhan Institute lasted from April 2011 to October 2015. During this time, bats were captured from a single cave in Greece, and their samples were taken and its entire funding was from the US. Until now it has been said that the corona virus was born in a market in Wuhan where meat of many animals including bats are sold, but the possibility of an accident in Wuhan’s lab cannot be ignored.

Many things have been mentioned in the international media report. It has not been confirmed but it is being said that a scientist in Wuhan lab was first infected with this virus and this happened when during an accident his body came in contact with a blood which had this virus and after that This virus became the biggest cause of the spread of Wuhan population.

Surprisingly, Wuhan Lab continues to be funded from the US. Investigations are still underway in China about the virus. Scientists in the lab are trying to know how the virus spread initially. A doctor at Wuhan’s Jinayitan Hospital, Cao Bin, says that the corona virus has not flourished in the animal market. Their research suggests that 13 of the first 41 patients of Corona in China did not have an animal market because of the infection.

This shows that not only is the animal market the cause of the spread of the virus, but its link is now directly connected to the Wuhan lab. This market is a few kilometers from Wuhan Lab. In such a situation, there is another theory of spreading of corona virus, which cannot be ignored. Anthony Bellotti, president of White Coat Waste, an American organization, has given a theory. He says that it is possible that the bats that were under investigation at the Wuhan lab were sold to the Wuhan animal market after research and thus the virus spread to the population.

How did the corona spread. Many international theories have come about this. From China to America, there are allegations that they have developed the Corona virus so that they can ruin each other’s economy. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly tweeted that the Corona virus is called the Chinese virus. On March 17, when he was asked a question on this, he defended his claim, saying that the virus came from China.

There is also a debate about whether it is a biological weapon. This cannot be denied. Biological weapons are made from viruses or bacteria that cause disease in the enemy’s territory, causing an epidemic. Due to this, the enemy’s army also dies and it also kills the common people. People become crippled by this, crops get spoiled and water gets contaminated.

Corona has its origins in Wuhan, China, and initially claims were made that the Chinese army produced the corona as a biological weapon in a secret lab in Wuhan, but due to an accident or negligence it spread to China. Because China was not ready to control it. At the center of these claims was the secret lab in Wuhan where the corona virus is suspected to have been prepared, but surprisingly this lab was funded from the US.

The biggest doubt on Wuhan’s secret lab was when it was completely handed over to military control. China has made a woman general who is a biological weapon expert her new in-charge of Wuhan’s secret lab. Chen-Wei is a Major General in the Chinese Army and is now the new boss of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, so when the whole world is asking the question how the corona spread, then giving the charge of lab to an officer of the army is very suspicious was seen. It has been speculated that the Wuhan lab in which the Chinese army is interfering is now being controlled by renewing something that China does not want the world to know.

Ajaay Ranaa

Entrepreneur | Blogger l Life long Learner

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