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Melania Trump is not Worried about the Affairs Affairs of her Husband

First Lady Melania Trump said she does not waste time wondering about President Donald Trump’s infidelity reports.

“I am a mother and a first lady, and I have much more important things to think about and do,” she told ABC in a taped interview last week, new snippets of which were aired on Friday. “It’s not my concern and focus.”

The attention of the media by a stream of women who have accused the president of sexual misconduct or extramarital affairs is not pleasant, added the first lady, dismissing the statements as “gossip.”

“Yes, we’re fine,” he said of his marriage. “It’s what the media speculates, and they’re gossip, it’s not always right, I’m very strong and I know what my priorities are.”

The first lady, who for the most part has been rese
rved during her stay at the White House, revealed in the series of interviews that she does not hesitate to offer her husband advice and opinions on political matters. She said she made known her distrust of some in the administration who no longer hold office, for example.

She also referred to herself as “the most harassed person in the world” because of what people say about her.

Among the high profile accusations against Donald Trump is the claim by former porn star Stormy Daniels that they had an affair a few months after the birth of Barron Trump.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said she was silenced in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen said Trump ordered him to pay the actress $ 130,000 to sign a confidentiality agreement. His book where everything is said, Complete Revelation, was published last month.

“I am the most harassed person” in the world
Melania Trump also told Llamas that she received a lot of criticism online, which is why she decided to focus her efforts on social media and online behavior while in the White House.

“I could say that I am the most harassed person in the world,” he said, and then corrected his statement to say it could be just one of them. “If you really see what people say about me.”

The first lady’s “Be Best” initiative, a three-pronged platform that aims to educate children about social-emotional behavior and address opioid abuse in the United States, was launched in May. In July, she visited a children’s hospital in Nashville and said she hopes the campaign will inspire children to be the best they can be.

“I want to help children be better at everything they do,” Trump said in July. “Be the best in whatever your passion is, where you are focused, everything in life, really, and be better with each other, be kind.”

Ajaay Ranaa

Entrepreneur | Blogger l Life long Learner

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