Showing 31-40 of 1481 results

Wet Markets in China still Operating Selling bats and Slaughtering Rabbits on Blood-soaked floors as Beijing Celebrates ‘Victory’ over the Coronavirus

31st March 2020

Starting from China, the cause of the corona virus spread across the world is being told to eat the meat of bats and wild animals and birds. Because of Corona, people are imprisoned in their homes all over the world. But China …

Italian Prime Minister gave a message to his countrymen, said be prepared for a very long lockdown

30th March 2020

Rome. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s government has asked the Italians to be prepared for a long lockdown. On Sunday, the government said that the bandh will be lifted gradually, despite the financial difficulties and the disturbing effect on the regular routine. The message …

Sonu Corporation lashed out at China over Corona, said – ‘This is not a Natural Disaster, but a Bio-Weapon’

29th March 2020

Mumbai: Coronavirus, spread in other countries of the world including India, has increased the concern of the people. Starting from Wuhan in China, this virus has caught all the countries one by one. Due to which more than 28 thousand people have lost …