Derek O’Brien: Are We Delivering Pizzas? On Hurried Passing Of Triple Talaq Bills

Will India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru also think that dedicated action for Parliament’s quick and public issues will also become a matter of objection for some people sitting in a day? But this is happening. Some of the leaders and MPs of the country, who had kept the Parliament sloganeering and lack of work for years, have now started to feel uncomfortable with its effective functioning.

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Opposition is being objected to the bills being passed fast in the Parliament. Trinamool Congress MP, one of the people who resented this attitude of the central government Derek-No Brain means  Derek O’Brien . Derek O’Brien is so shocked by the procedure of the Parliament that he does not understand the difference between passage of a bill and pizza delivery.

Derek O’Brien rarely has any particular identity than garnering cheap popularity by giving controversial statements . Derek has tried to target the central government in a tweet but this only reveals the kind of system he is used to and what can be his objection?

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Derek tweeted, “Parliament should review the bills. Are we delivering pizzas or passing the bills? “

When the government is passing the bill through the constitutional boundaries, in due course, in due time, what is the problem with one part? The origin of Derek’s objection is very hollow. He should tell them whether any wrong bill of any kind has passed? Is there any such provision in the Parliament that there is a bill passed within the time limit? Did the MPs make some questions which were not answered? Do not want to stop the bill in the affair of anti-parliament appellant?

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If the government is working fast then it should be welcomed and not to create a fake narrative, by spreading illusions among the people by writing articles in the newspapers by MPs.

The direct interpretation of Derek O’Brien’s statement is that he is now raising questions on the proceedings of Parliament. Earlier, he broke the news of various types of fake scandals, then kept asking for evidence, defended terrorists, Modi even won, then now after crying on the EVM, they are directly questioning the Parliament.

Indeed, the real pain of Derek is that he does not have the habit of normal processes of Parliament. It is hardly possible to find any difference in the delivery of the pizza to the Parliament session on the public money and the people who are turning the noisy to the slogan of sloganeering and turning it into a bill.

After passing this bill, the common man receives the message that the government is sensitive towards the issues of exploitation and the common man’s issues over the years. For this, if the government has to work with the ‘Pizza Delivery’ speed to pass the bill then there is no harm in it. Creating a fake narrative against evil vital institutions, trying to spoil the image of the public and create unbelief.

The total budget for running the Parliament is about Rs 600 crore per year, which means that about Rs 6 crore is spent on daily proceedings. In the simplest terms it means that if India’s parliament walks one minute, then the public’s earnings cost about 2.5 lakh rupees. In this way, we can know that the use of public money is used by some people just to sit in the house and want to waste in the attack and they get distraught after having a bill.

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The comparative graph shown by Brian in defending his statement is extremely fake and unreliable, which can not be said more than a conical comparison. In percentage points, how many bills were discussed during different Lok Sabhas, but it has not been written anywhere in the context of which statistics have been compared in keeping with which statistics.

For the time being, Derek O’Brien can be advised to do some self-analysis by eating pizza-burger-popcorn. It does not seem that the same government, like previous governments, is going to give a bit of sense to their style of working. Especially since then, when your number is limited to just 22 Perhaps the time of rest has become history now. Jai Shri Ram to Derek O’Brien

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