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Immunity Booster Tips: If you want to Boost Immunity in a Natural Way, Then Follow these Tips, You will Stay Away from Every Disease

The second wave of Corona is more dangerous than the first. Due to which millions of people are getting infected and thousands of people are losing their lives due to lack of oxygen in the body. In such a situation, it is important that you can protect yourself from this dangerous disease by taking care of yourself. According to many reports, your immunity should be strong enough to prevent corona. So that no infectious disease makes you a victim.

Due to low immunity, you can become victims of not only corona but many other infectious diseases. Various methods are adopted to increase immunity. In such a situation, through a tweet from the Government of India, how can you strengthen your immunity in a natural way by staying at home during the R Corona period. Learn about these methods.

This is how to Boost Immunity at Home :

  1. Corona virus-infected patients should consume maximum fruits. This will increase immunity with the strengthening of muscles.
  2. Eat whole grains such as ragi, oats, etc.
  3. Eat protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, poultry, cheese, soy, nuts, and seeds.
  4. Take healthy fats like walnuts, almonds, olive oil, mustard oil.
  5. Do breathing exercises with yoga daily.
  6. Eat 5 fruits and vegetables in which there is a lot of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Eat a small amount of dark chocolate to get rid of angsty. Which contains 70 percent cocoa.
  8. To boost immunity, take turmeric milk once a day.
  9. Due to corona, many patients lose their taste and smell. In such a situation, you should eat a small amount of soft food. Also, if you want, you can add mango powder to your food.

Ajaay Ranaa

Entrepreneur | Blogger l Life long Learner

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