More than 6.9 million cases of Coronavirus worldwide, more than 4 lakh deaths

The total number of coronavirus cases has increased to more than 6.9 million worldwide, while the death toll has crossed 4 lakh. According to the website WorldMeter, which monitors all the statistics around the world, a total of 6,974,721 cases of coronavirus were reported till 8 am on Sunday, 402,094 people died and 3,411,281 people got cured after treatment while out of the total 3,161,346 people currently Infection.

Out of a total of 3,161,346 existing infected people, 3,107,760 have minor symptoms of infection while 53,586 people are in critical condition. According to the WorldMeter, America is currently the most corona-affected country in the world, with 1,988,544 cases and 112,096 deaths. At the same time, Brazil is second with 676,494 cases of infection. There have been a total of 36,044 deaths in Brazil. If we talk about the people who have been cured, then 751,894 people in America and 302,084 people in Brazil have been cured.

Russia ranks third in cases of infection after the US and Brazil. A total of 458,689 cases have been reported in Russia, of which 5,725 people have died while a total of 221,388 people have been cured. This was followed by Spain (288,390), Britain (284,868), India (246,622), Italy (234,801), Peru (191,758), Germany (185,696), Iran (169,425), Turkey (169,218), France (153,634) and Chile (127,745 ) Huh.

At the same time, Britain is second after America in the case of death. In the UK, a total of 40,465 people have died due to infection. In addition, other countries with more than 10,000 deaths due to Corona include Brazil (36,044), Italy (33,846), France (29,142), Spain (27,135) and Mexico (13,511).

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