
Lancet Spread Lies, WHO leads, ICMR Cheers – India and HCQ Win

China’s Parrot WHO ie World Health Organization has to bow to India once again. The WHO has directed the use of this drug in the treatment of coronavirus and to resume the trial after a partial moratorium on the trial of HCQ. The WHO tweeted Wednesday that it was informed of the HCQ trial resuming.

Let us state that WHO had put a temporary moratorium on clinical trials of HCQ. The decision was made by WHO after a study published in the famous online medical journal The Lancet found that the use of HCQ medication increases the risk of death by 34 percent and the risk of severe heart arrhythmias by 137 percent. Now after the publication of this research, the credibility of this journal is also being questioned. More than a hundred scientists and physicians have doubted the authenticity of the hospital’s database. As soon as this suspicion arose, the WHO has instructed to start a clinical trial of HCQ again.

Tweeting from the WHO’s Twitter handle, Dr. Tedrose said, “On the basis of the available mortality data, the members of the committee recommended that there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol”. So the hydroxychloroquine trial can be resumed. “

The organization said that the working group would closely monitor it.

Let us tell you that the report of The Guardian newspaper has revealed that the employees of the American company whose data was used by The lancet for their research had little or no scientific training. Along with this, it has also been revealed that some employees of this company are science fiction writers and adult-content models. “

The disputed company’s database has been used in studies published in two of the world’s most prestigious journals, such as The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine. This journal ordered an inquiry as soon as The Lancet’s HCQ research began to be questioned.

But here the question arises when The Lancet claims itself to be a peer-reviewed journal but how are such mis-researches published yet? This implies two meanings, that either the research on HCQ was not peer-reviewed or that The Lancet published the research to no avail.

It is not hidden from anyone how the global Liberal media and American pharma companies have fallen behind HCQ. All these people are trying to question the credibility of HCQ by publishing many negative reports one after the other. Now it seems not only media houses like Bloomberg and NYT but also journals like The Lancet are campaigning against HCQ. WHO is also supporting them in pursuing the agenda against HCQ.

Institutions like ICMR of India have right now come up with their claims regarding HCQ. Research by ICMR itself found that the use of four or more doses of the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis (HCQ) may reduce the risk of coronary virus infection in health workers. 80% of healthcare workers at six or more prophylactic doses of HCQ were not infected with coronaviruses, according to the results of a study published online in the ICMR’s Indian Journal of Medical Research, which controlled cases.

This again exposed the WHO’s negligence. On this negligence of WHO, CSIR DG Shekhar C Mande said, “We are delighted that WHO has decided to resume the trial of hydroxychloroquine.” I am sure that WHO may have taken a hasty decision to stop the trial. It was a deliberate decision. They should have analyzed the data themselves before temporarily suspending the trial. ‘

If we look at the propaganda against HCQ, the WHO, The Lancet, media, and pharma companies have not only uncovered polls but have also seen a sample of India’s growing dominance in the region.

Ajaay Ranaa

Entrepreneur | Blogger l Life long Learner

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