Smelling and losing the ability to taste can be the initial symptoms of the deadly infectious disease Covid-19. A leading professional association of medical experts from the US has said this in its new report. James C. Denneny, executive vice president and CEO of the American Academy of Autolaryngology, said that currently Covid-19 from the US as well as many countries around the world. There have been reports of loss of smell and taste in related patients. In view of reports of these symptoms, the AAO-HNS reported corona and Yrs transition have proposed to investigate, including the loss of the ability to smell and taste. Daneney told Helio Primary Care, which provides daily internal medicine and primary care news, that the simple reason for losing the ability to smell is energy,
A sinus infection or a cold occurs, and if these conditions are lost in addition to the ability to sniff, these symptoms may be of Covid-19 and those patients need to be isolated. However, he pointed out that the timing of these symptoms may vary. Some of the Covid-19 patients described them as having their initial symptoms, while others saw them later.