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Corona in Italy killed 11,591 People in the World, Big step on lockdown

Image Credit : IndiaTV

Rome: Italy has extended the lockdown period to mid-April to eliminate the Corona virus infection. Due to this infection, 11,591 people have died in the world. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said on Monday that any relaxation of the Lockdown would be done gradually so that whatever successes Italy has achieved against this infection so far, it should not be watered down. 

Conte told Spain’s Al Pais newspaper that the nearly three-week shutdown had worsened economic conditions. It cannot be continued for a long time, we can see the measures to end the Lockdown but it has to be done slowly. ” Health Minister Roberto Speranza later announced, “All the steps related to the bandh are to continue until at least 12 April, that is, Easter”. 

The first bandh was scheduled to end on Friday. Italy was the first Western country to initiate a lockdown to prevent the spread of this global epidemic. There have been more than 100,000 cases of this infection here. Now the speed of spreading infection is also seen decreasing here.

More than 37000 people have died in the world so far due to Corona virus, while seven and a half million people are suffering from this disease. In Italy, 812 people died of the corona virus on Monday. In Italy, the daily infection rate has come down to 4.1 percent.

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