
The World is Closed and trade is Stopped, but China is fully open and its trade is going on Fast, How long will the world

Today India is completely closed, over 1 billion people are in lock down, our capital Delhi is closed, our financial capital Mumbai is also closed, our business is closed, our factories are closed, our traffic is stalled Similar situation is there in all the big countries of the world, capitals around the world are big, New York is stalled, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, and many names, all are closed.  

The British Prime Minister has been coronated, the Chancellor of Germany has been placed in isolation, the Spanish Prime Minister’s wife is in isolation and many ministers, politicians, British Prince Charles and many big names around the world have suffered from Corona  

There is havoc all over the world but China is completely open, China’s capital Beijing is completely open, Shanghai, the economic capital of Sachin is fully open, China’s trade is open, China’s factories are open Yes, the whole world is stalled but China is open to give corona to the world  Great leaders from all over the world have suffered from Corona, but leave no leader in China, Corona did not touch even one big name, how long will the world remain silent, when will the questions be asked from China that the virus originated from Wuhan in the world.

Reached corner, the world is closed, business is stalled but how is China open, why did not even 1 of the biggest people of China get corona Is China more developed than the countries of America and Europe? Does China have more facilities? After all, what is the reason that the virus coming out of China is causing terror in the world but China remains its special grace 

This is the question that the world will have to ask China, if China is not asked these questions by standing in the dock, then the Chinese will have become so high and the world will become so weak that China will be one after the other in the coming times. The virus will spread in the world and will start working towards enslaving the world. 

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