5 Times, When the Disaster that Came out of China Created a Panic in the Whole World: Dragon is not the only Reason for Corona
Today some leftists are only irritated because the Corona virus is being called Wuhan virus, Chinese virus. While years of naming the virus or disease in a disaster the world has been the name of the place, where the start and it is always China ‘s wont . Even before this, there have been many such diseases and viruses, which originated from China and which wreaked havoc all over the world. Come, today we talk about those 5 Chinese disasters which created panic all over the world.
H7N9 flu
You know this by the name of bird flu, the first case of which came in Shanghai. It was found in the matter that in a poultry market, the virus came out of the chicken and entered humans. This infection was detected when many people became ill from it. However, in the case of this virus, there was not much news of human-to-human transmission. There have been 5 stages of this disaster so far, of which Taza came in 2017. This is a virus that is not immune to humans, which is why experts say that if it is not monitored, it has the potential to cause great panic.
‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)’ was also first seen in China in 2002. The bats were believed to be the source of this virus in a cave in Yunnan province of China. This thing was also revealed after 15 years. It spread from southern China to 37 countries and killed 750 people. Scientists also say that it is difficult to find any vaccine because the work has been done from quarantine till now. However, it is now possible to provide complete treatment.
H5N1 Bird flu
It was also shown in Hong Kong for the first time and since then has been found in many wild birds of the country and abroad. It was first found in 1996 but in 2002 it made a big impact and spread from Asia, Africa and Europe to the Arab world. After the outbreak of this virus, people started getting various types of diseases and many people also died. If these viruses start spreading from human to human, then big catastrophe can happen.
Hong Kong flu
This was such a dangerous flu, which killed about 1 million people. It reached its peak in 1968–69. It was widespread in Vietnam and Singapore. After this it reached India, Philippines, Australia and Europe. In 1969 it reached Japan, Africa and South Africa. Due to this, 1 lakh people were killed only in America. About 15% of the population of Hong Kong had been cleared.
Asian flu
Its first case came to Singapore in February 1957, but it also originated from China. India also had one million cases in southwest Asia. It had destroyed many economies of the world.
Please tell that in the case of Corona too, on December 10, 2019, the first patient of Corona in China started falling ill . A day later, Wuhan officials were told that a new corona virus had arrived, making people sick. On December 30, the director of Wuhan Central Hospital reported the virus on WeChat. He was reprimanded and ordered not to inform anyone about the virus.
Similarly, Dr. Li Veliang also shared views on this on social media. He was also reprimanded and called and questioned. On the same day, the Wuhan Health Commission informed of a ‘strange type of pneumonia’ and asked to inform any such cases.
In an article written in 2019, ‘The Chinese Express’ had suspected the arrival of a dangerous virus like SARS or MERS and said that it would be due to bats but despite this, constant carelessness was done. It was also said in that article that this virus would come from China. Forget 2019, an article published in a journal in 2007 only stated that the practice of eating animals like bats in South China is not right because they contain dangerous types of viruses. In this article, this habit was termed as ‘time bomb’. People in China have been affected by this on a large scale and the blame is also there for the government and administration.