Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been busy in his new project after the shooting of Bharat Ali Abbas Zafar’s film. Salman has started shooting for his most acclaimed movie ‘Dabang 3’. This information is given by Salman through his social media account.
Salman Khan posted a video and saw his brother Arbaaz Khan, who is also the producer and director of the film. Salman Khan told that I and Arbaab have just reached Indore, where we were born. We are now going to Mandaleshwar and Maheshwar … to start shooting ‘Dabang 3’, where our grandfather was posted when he was in the police.
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Salman Khan’s first picture has also been revealed from the film Dabang 3’s set. Here Salman Khan, Chulbul Pandey’s Signature Pose are seen. Salman Khan, wearing a blue shirt in the photo, looks back. The aviator is tinged over the neck of the shirt on his neck. This is a dubious trademark of Salman Khan. The film’s director Prabhudeva is also seen in the photo.
Sonakshi Sinha is going to see Salman Khan again in Dabang 3. This film is the third film of Dabangg franchisee. Dabang was directed by Abhinav Kashyap and Dabangg 2 by Arbaaz Khan. Both films were super hit. According to the reports, Dabang 3 will be released in December this year.