How to Make Money with a Blog (According to 23 Successful Bloggers)

Not long ago, you thought that making money with a blog was impossible. But after seeing dozens of income reports from other bloggers, you were hooked. Now you’re left wondering if you could achieve similar results.

In this article, I will consolidate the lessons learned from some successful bloggers and give you tips on how to make money with a blog.

How to monetize your blog in the right way.

A blog is more than a website with words, it is a brand that solves a problem. When you start for the first time, it is difficult to earn money. Why? Because nobody trusts your brand.

The solution is simple, it provides attractive content to build a large audience. These are the most effective ways to monetize your blog.

“Get rich quick” Schemes rarely work

Some believe that bloggers had their success, but this is far from the truth. Its success required sacrifice, discipline and courage to work. And this is where most people get into trouble because they are not willing to work.

Your first step to generate income through your blog is to stop believing that it will be easy to achieve. The trick is to listen to only a few bloggers who are in the position that you would like to be and take massive measures.

It may take months or even years before you start earning income.

And when things get tough, keep going. Do not stop Learn to love the trip more than the result and you will create a profitable blog.

Executing the right advice leads to success

You need to learn from bloggers with different backgrounds.

What motivates someone to build an online business may not inspire you. But there are some strategies that some bloggers will share with which you will feel good.

So, what is the next step? To start taking action.

How to make money with a blog: lessons learned from 23 successful bloggers

Explore the list of some of the most influential and down-to-earth bloggers in today’s time. Most likely it will resonate with some of them. Take their practical lessons and apply them to your blog.

These bloggers can light bulbs for you and change your life forever.


1. Gary Vaynerchuck – Down to earth entrepreneur who’ll transform your life

Gary is a proud “D” student who helped his father grow his wine liquor store in a 60 million dollar business. He left the wine business to start his own digital agency, which now generates more than $ 100 million.

Today, he inspires entrepreneurs of all ages through his blog, vlog and Podcast to take total control of their lives by doing what they love.

Lesson: Have the patience to build a successful business.

2. Pat Flynn – Online Jedi who’s fearless to try new ideas

Pat built several sites, is the author of many books and has released many podcasts. His blog is one of the most popular sites on the web for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. Despite Pat’s success, he is still humble and willing to help others.

Lesson: Do not let fear keep you from leaving your comfort zone.


3. John Lee Dumas – Entrepreneur on fire, inspiring others through his voice

John is the host of EOFire, an award-winning corporate podcast, which interviews leading entrepreneurs. He has interviewed successful entrepreneurs such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins and many more. John is also the author of the number 1 book for Podcasting on Amazon. It is an excellent example of what happens when you pursue your dreams and stay committed.

Lesson: Follow a course to success (FOCUS).


4. J Money – Rockstar money expert who injects “cool” into finance

J Money is an award-winning personal finance blogger, business advisor and money rockstar. He injects a “funny” personality into his blog, adding a sense of “coldness” to personal finances. He is the founder of RockstarFinance, a personal finance directory with useful resources.

The new perspectives that J shares about money will leave you reflecting for days.

Lesson: have fun with your blog to highlight and create attractive content.


5. Mr. Money Mustache – Badass blogger who’ll transform your financial lifestyle

The goal of Mr.MM is to help him live a “rough” life. He has unique ideas to save money up his sleeves, such as halving the purchase bill and DIY solar panels. There are no “generic” articles on your blog, just complete and thoughtful ideas.

Mr.MM is financially independent and is willing to share your secrets if you dare to listen.

Lesson: Focus on your needs and want to live the lifestyle of your dreams.


6. Sam – Thoughtful blogger sharing smart insights

Sam is a blogger and a real estate investor. His blog has received millions of visits and has appeared on Forbes, Lifehacker, CNBC and many more. Sam delves into topics such as real estate, retirement planning and career strategies. Read his blog and discover why it is “worthy of a bookmark”.

Lesson: keep investing in yourself to be better prepared for the future.


7. Joshua Dorkin – The persistent entrepreneur who never lost hope

Joshua is a well-known businessman and speaker who appears in the main publications. He has created the nation’s largest real estate investment blog and co-host of the BiggerPockets podcast.

He is the best example of what can be achieved when you pursue your dreams. Your blog is one of the few that you will need to achieve financial independence with real estate.

Lesson: Keep working towards your goal even if you try to stop.


8. Ramit Sethi – That “cool” teacher who’ll help you reach your next level

Ramit is one of the best-selling authors of the New York Times. He prides himself on being different, that’s why he loves to give away 98% of his material for free. Its content is worthy of binge and will bring out the best in you.

If you are ready to master your psychology or internal finances, visit Ramit’s blog.

Lesson: there is always a way to get what you want, as long as you are willing to work.


9. Paula Pant – The entrepreneur who took an enormous risk chasing freedom

Paula is a writer, speaker and freedom enthusiast. It was not long after he got the job of his “dream” to know that he would not offer the freedom he longed for.

Today, Paula has achieved financial independence by building many income streams. His writing style is attractive and will leave you questioning your limiting beliefs.

Lesson: it is worth risking the chances of living your desired lifestyle.


10. Steve – Early retiree, fearless to take a stance

Steve achieved financial independence 30 years earlier than the typical American. You can find your work on important sites such as Forbes, Business Insider and many more.

Currently, Steve writes detailed content on his blog to help readers achieve financial independence. If you’re looking to save money or retire early, you’ll love Steve’s blog.

Lesson: Plan ahead to achieve your desired goals.


11. Robert Farrington – Millennial Sensei for college students

Robert is a consultant, and a writer nicknamed as the Millennium Money Expert in the United States. His passion for managing money at a young age led him to create The College Investor. On your blog, you will find excellent resources to crush student loan debt and invest your money.

Lesson: Be open with the way you can express your passion.


12. Joe Udo – The writer who took the road less taken

Taking risks is not easy, but there are always some people who take it anyway. Joe is a blogger, investor and a great example of what those who take risks do. He retired before turning 40, after leaving a job he had been working on for more than a decade.

Joe’s blog shares proven ways to generate passive income and manage your money.

Lesson: Taking risks becomes easier when you prepare yourself daily.


13. Elle Martinez – The financial superwoman for struggling couples

Elle is passionate about money, so much so that she has been writing about personal finance for more than a decade. She likes to help couples build their finances together and live on a single income.

Elle’s blog helps you avoid money fights, increase your savings and much more.

Lesson: Find ways to solve the problems that obsess you.


14. Len Penzo – Creative blogger who makes personal finance entertaining

Len’s blog has received more than 9 million visitors. He has appeared in important publications such as the NY Times, Forbes and many more.

Len transforms bored issues of money into attractive content that engages readers for more. If you want to make smarter financial decisions, your blog is a must read.

Lesson: create attractive content to build a large audience.


15. Farnoosh Torabi – Finance expert, inspiring women to unleash their full potential

Farnoosh used to borrow clothes and eat $ 5 standing until she got out of debt. Today she is a journalist, writer, television personality and an expert in finance. Farnoosh is the host of SO Money, one of the most important financial Podcasts of iTunes. She is a leader and inspiration for other women.

Lesson: View your shortcomings as gifts and use them to stand out.


16. Michelle Schroeder-Gardner – Young entrepreneur achieving success on the road

Michelle started blogging in 2011 in hopes of improving her finances. Today, your blog is one of the most popular personal finance blogs you’ll find. There is a small chance that you will find her on the road, since she is touring the United States with her husband. Your blog contains tips to increase your income and live a better lifestyle.

Lesson: Be transparent about your struggles to build a supportive audience.


17. Phillip Talyor – Money expert who knows how to throw a finance party

Phillip Taylor or “PT” is a blogger, public accountant and finance enthusiast. At one point, I had accumulated a ton of debt and needed financial wisdom. He created his blog to document his financial earnings and collaborate with others.

Because of Phillip’s passion for finance, he created FinCon. Nowadays, Fincon is the conference attended by influential people and financial brands.

Lesson: Hard work is more important than experience to achieve your goals.


18. Stefanie O’Connell – The financial role model every woman needs

Stefanie started blogging around 2008, at a time when most of the United States was in a financial crisis. Despite this, she went from living with less than $ 500 a week to being considered an expert in Millenium money.

Stefanie spends her time helping ambitious women adopt “rich” habits. Join the tribe of Stefanie and begin to feel strengthened with your finances.

Lesson: you can be an example to others if you are brave enough to face your fears


19. J.D. Roth – Finance enthusiast who’ll leave you thinking smarter

J.D. was a contributor to the column “Your Money” for Entrepreneur magazine. His blog is one of the best personal finance blogs on the web and has received millions of visitors. You will find detailed articles that will make you make smarter money decisions.

Lesson: No matter how big your problems are, there is always a solution.


20. Catherine Alford – Entrepreneur mom, inspiring women to chase their dreams

Catherine is a speaker, writer and a proud mother of 2 twins. She is an inspiration for women who want to spend more time with their families. Catherine became the best collaborator / Freelancer for personal finances in 2014.

Discover why you do not need to choose between your career and your family in Catherine’s blog.

Lesson: Your story can become the inspiration that many seek.


21. Natalie Bacon – Life coach and entrepreneur inspiring women to design their dream lives

Natalie is an inspiration to those who seek to pursue her passion. She appears on major sites such as The Huffington Post, Forbes and many others. Natalie follows her dreams and is not afraid of hard work. Your blog contains quality content that will inspire you to take action.

Lesson: do not be afraid to change course because you will be one step closer to finding the life of your dreams.


22. Crystal Paine – Inspirational entrepreneur who loves to give back

Crystal is a personal finance blogger who writes since 2006. Her site has creative ways to save money on groceries, clothing, toys and more. Crystal donates a percentage of her blog’s income to the ministries that impact her life.

Your blog will not only teach you how to save money but also how to live an abundant lifestyle.

Lesson: focus on helping others first and you will get massive wealth.


23. Liz – Frugal expert who’ll transform your bad spending habits

Liz is an author, writer and a frugal expert who enjoys helping others save money. She appears in NPR, Forbes, Liz’s blog contains creative ways to save money and achieve financial independence.

Lesson: Be bold enough to prioritize your opinion over others.


Start your Blog and get Amazing Results.

Imagine waking up with your pajamas and opening your laptop. Note that a few hundred dollars were deposited into your account. This money did not fall from the sky, it came from your blog.

Not long ago you thought that making money with a blog was impossible, but now you have achieved it. Incredible, is not it?

This can be your reality if you learn from these successful bloggers. Check this list and choose your three best bloggers. Take a look at its content (Blog, Podcast, Video) and break your bad habits.

The time has come to transform into the blogger you would like to become. You are not someone who just wants to accumulate a ton of cash. You want to live the life of your dreams and impact others by doing what you love.

What stops you now?



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