How to Change Your Bad Habits for the Benefit of Your Business

If you are like most people, you would probably like to complain from time to time about the economy, about the markets, about how things change too fast or about how you do not get enough time. Moan Moan Moan!

However, moaning does not solve problems. Instead, you can follow the “No BCD” theory and avoid blaming, complaining and defensiveness. In this way, you will have a totally different perspective, handle situations much better and take control of your destiny. A really practical way to do this is to develop better habits.

What are the bad habits you have?

We all have different bad habits, but when it comes to business, here are the 4 most common ones:

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” – Brian Tracy

Think about it. You can observe each of these bad habits and replace them with new and better ones. Imagine…

Breaking those bad habits

Over the years, I have managed to create more limits and space for me to be efficient and effective in my work. There are ways to do it: some habits that I have learned from others who have experienced and overcome similar problems, and some are the product of my own experiments. Look down!

1. Sprints (for productivity)

I have to say that this is so effective. I meet at least one other person in a cafeteria or member club, if not in my office with my teammates. We plan to do 30 or 45 minutes of work and perform between 3 and 5 sprints in a session. Blocking 4 hours together I find that it works well.

Each one says what we will work on and then we get going. Speaking is not allowed, focusing only on the task we are talking about. When the stopwatch sounds, we stop, compare notes on progress, make a mini break and make another. Honestly, it’s my most productive time, and it makes you realize how much time we lose in distractions and even regret having too much work.

“A bad habit never disappears miraculously. It’s an undo-it-yourself project.” – Abigail Van Buren

2. A small task (for motivation to break a bad habit)

I have done this now twice with 2 different friends. We talk about the bad habits we each have, whatever they may be. We give ourselves a new rule or habit to follow during a period of two weeks. It must be an assignment of “INTELLIGENT” objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and with specific deadlines.

3. Low fruit (for grabbing opportunities)

You simply make a list of people you already know that:

Once you have this list, create some initial disclosure scripts written for text, email or phone calls and then review your list, sending requests, greetings, questions, etc. In the mindset of the people who receive these outreach messages, you will find that each conversation will be, at a minimum, a learning opportunity and will undoubtedly lead to more “yes” than if you did not do this exercise.

4. The minimum criteria (to establish limits).

If you discover that your bad habits mean you say “yes” too often when you should be saying “no”, it works very well. You just need to write a specific list of criteria to answer the question “Whenever I do this, first I need the following things to be true.”

For example, you only hire a client who pays less than a certain minimum threshold, who has committed in writing to meet your specific set of guidelines for your responsibilities during the project. There are many ways you can use the “minimum criteria” technique and you can share your rules with friends and colleagues to take responsibility.

Now, with all this information, I hope you feel more motivated and that you can no longer remember your excuses.

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