
Spain : Catalonia Separatists use CoronaVirus Crisis to Argue for Independence

The whole world is struggling with corona, while in many countries, internal strife has also started increasing along with corona. It is known to everyone that the condition of Europe has been decayed by Corona. At such a time, internal strife in Spain, a country in Europe, has started again. In the middle of Corona, the demand for independence has once again arisen in the Spanish province of Catalonia.

Catalonia’s President Quim Torra has called for the future of Catalonia to resume negotiations for independence from Spain. He also described the steps taken to tackle Spain’s Corona virus as the worst in the world.

Quim Torra stated that “there is still time to resume political dialogue.” We still have political prisoners, and some of the deportees, and we demand our right to self-determination. “Quim Torra’s reference was to the prison sentence of nine pro-independence leaders who were sentenced to the 2017 referendum Was sentenced for participating in

Quim Torra told The Telegraph that “We want freedom before coronavirus, not because we can hoist our flag again, but because we can give our citizens better opportunities and public services.”

Explain that the feeling of separation from Spain in Catalonia is quite old. Cultural and linguistic variations of Catalonia from Spain are old. These efforts had gained momentum since the Carlos Puzimont-led Catalan government in 2015. Journalist Ranvir Nair believes that the movement of separatism in Catalonia stands on three foundations – history, different language and national pride, but in later days some economic reasons also got involved.

The demand for independence here first arose in 1977 when democracy returned to Spain. Catalonia was granted independent state by the Spanish government in 1977. But in 2006 a constitutional court revoked the status of autonomous state of Catalonia. After this, the demand for independence once again intensified in 2010.

From the year 2008 to 2012-13, the condition of Spain’s economy was very bad. During that time the people of Catalonia felt that we are different than before, so why are we taking the burden of the remaining poor parts of Spain instead of improving our condition. ‘

In 2014, a first referendum for independence from Spain was held in which 80.8 percent of the people voted to separate from Spain. Since then, the demand for independence from Spain intensified among the people here.

In September 2017, the Spanish government again approved the referendum for Catalonia with a majority, but the court here canceled the referendum process. Referendum people claimed that 90 percent of the people are in favor of separation from Spain.

A report states that Catalonia has a 19 percent share in the Spanish economy. This state is the industrial heartland of Spain. Despite being a small state of Spain, it also has the highest capita income. Despite this, the Spanish government has shown a large debt on the part of Catalonia, which will never be possible to be replenished. This debt is $ 52 billion, or $ 5200 million.

It is important to know that 16 percent of Spain’s population lives in Catalonia and Barcelona is the largest city in Catalonia and also the capital of Catalonia.

Catalonia is counted among the most prosperous and industrialized regions of Spain. Catalonia has a 25–26 per cent share in Spain’s exports. ”Catalonia has its headquarters in Barcelona, ​​the capital of many major companies. The province is the center of almost all of Spain’s chemical production. According to the regional federation, business in Catalonia is higher than in Austria or Denmark. Catalonia Universities are one of the best in the country, three of the top five Spanish universities in the annual ranking are Catalan. With its Barcelona and Costa Brava beaches, Catalonia is the region that attracts foreign tourists the most. In the year 2016, more than 18 million tourists visited, which is a quarter of all foreigners coming to Spain.

Corona has raised the possibility of Catalonia’s separation from Spain because Spain has now been completely decimated, and so far 2,30,000 have been infected with Corona and more than 23,000 people have died. The special thing is that the case of corona in Catalonia is around 50 thousand. If Catalonia was separated from Spain at any time, it would be a great financial blow for Spain.

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