
The Foreign Minister of Pakistan admits in the BBC interview that his government is in contact with the leaders of Jaish-e-Mohammad

In a surprising surprise, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, has admitted in the file that the Pakistani government is in contact with the leaders of JeM. He even tried quickly to save the situation by rushing to say that they do not know JeM’s leadership directly, but they know people who are connected to them.

In an interview that the BBC shared yesterday, Shah Mehmood Qureshi is seen defending the Jaish-e-Mohammad profusely. When the interviewer says that JeM has taken responsibility for the Pulwama attack that killed 40 Indian soldiers, Qureshi denies it outright. He says that JeM has not claimed responsibility and is false.

When the interviewer reminds him that JeM, a terrorist group based in Pakistan has carried out an attack on Indian territory, Qureshi says “No, they have not.” The interviewer continues to ask if he (Qureshi) is denying that JeM is operating on Pakistani soil. Mehmood, at this point, says: “Leadership, when contacted, says no.”

At this point, the interviewer presses him: “Contacted with whom sir?” Qureshi seems to have realized his mistake and looks for words. Then he says, the people here say no, they deny it. The interviewer continues to ask who has contacted the leaders of JeM. Qureshi, struggling to cover himself, says there are people they know and there is a lot of confusion about JeM’s involvement in the Pulwama attack.

Earlier this week, Qureshi had admitted in an interview with CNN that JeM boss Masood Azhar is in Pakistan and is very ill, to the extent that he can not leave his home.

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The government of Pakistan has been harboring, helping and even protecting the world-known terrorists in its territory. The recent revelations only reinforce that fact. By showing a remarkable level of impunity, they also have the guts to complain to the world that they are victims of terrorism.

The extent to which Pakistan can go to protect terrorists is evident from the fact that, in retaliation for the Indian Air Force aircraft bombing a training camp run by JeM, Pakistan sent F16 into the sky of the India to attack our military installations.

Ajaay Ranaa

Entrepreneur | Blogger l Life long Learner

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