
30 Inspirational Life Quotes From Charlamagne Tha God

Charlamagne Tha God is best known for his colorful attitude and quick wit as a presenter on the famous radio show The Breakfast Club, as well as being a bestselling author. However, he had to work hard and hurry to achieve the success he has today. From an intern who works at a radio station in one of the poorest parts of South Carolina, to become one of the most recognized personalities of air waves. Charlamagne has acquired much wisdom throughout its years.

Here is some of the best quotes from Charlamagne Tha God:

1. “The person who makes no mistakes is usually not making anything. No money, no forward progress, nothing! “– Charlamagne Tha God

2. “Your passion is that one thing you can not stop thinking about, that thing you wake up thinking about in the morning, go to sleep thinking about at night, that thing that you would do for free!” – Charlamagne Tha God

3. “Recognize opportunity when it’s not a paycheck to it.” – Charlamagne Tha God

4. “You can not solve a problem with the same mindset that created it.” – Charlamagne Tha God

5. “The only reason people pursue certain things is because they see it working for other people. To me, that’s lazy. Figure out your own lane, figure out the gift that makes you unique. “– Charlamagne Tha God

6. “Measure twice, cut eleven.” – Charlamagne Tha God

7. “Do not complain, compete.” – Charlamagne Tha God

8. “Nobody can make you angry without your consent, nobody can disappoint you without your consent, you have to give people consent to these things.” – Charlamagne Tha God

9. “If you really on your grind, you do not have to announce it. Hustle speaks for itself. “– Charlamagne Tha God

10. “Experience is the best teacher or you can learn from the mistakes of others but most of the time you have to carry that cross yourself.” – Charlamagne Tha God

11. “If you say that you’re a king, queen, god or goddess and you recognize that you’re from ancestral greatness, you have to start living up to that. Its really just that simple. “– Charlamagne Tha God

12. “Time tells all such.” – Charlamagne Tha God

13. “Pessimism has never won any battles.” – Charlamagne Tha God

14. “Thank you god for blessing me with another day of life!” – Charlamagne Tha God

15. “If you do not have anything nice to say – say it anyway.” – Charlamagne Tha God

16. “Live your truth. When you live your truth nobody can use your truth against you. “– Charlamagne Tha God

17. “Much success to you, even if you wish me the opposite.” – Charlamagne Tha God

18. “Opportunity comes to those who create it.” – Charlamagne Tha God

19. “I pride myself on being the nicest person in the room.” – Charlamagne Tha God

20. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide whether or not to be reduced by them.” – Charlamagne Tha God

21. “I feel like my soul purpose is to be of service to others.” – Charlamagne Tha God

22. “Just because someone does something good for you, it does not mean that they’re good for you.” – Charlamagne Tha God

23. “You can be very honest and direct with people respectfully. I never do anything maliciously; I will simply give my honest opinion. “- Charlamagne Tha God

24. “No matter what position you’re in, always hustle like an intern.” – Charlamagne Tha God

25. “Some people are upset about progress because when progress happens, it eliminates your excuses as to why you are not progressing.” – Charlamagne Tha God

26. “Live your truth. Honesty is always the best policy. Manners will take you where money will not. “– Charlamagne Tha God

27. “You have to start looking in the mirror and saying ‘this is who I am, this is what I am and this is how I’m going to be and start demanding more from yourself.’ – Charlamagne Tha God

28. “Always remember if you can not be happy for someone else’s success will not be blessed with any of your own.” – Charlamagne Tha God

29. “I’ve been fired 4x and it’s worth it to myself.” – Charlamagne Tha God

30. “Do not beg nobody to get on the ark, just keep building and let people know the rain coming.” – Charlamagne Tha God

Which one of the above Charlamagne Tha God quotes resonated most with you and why?

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